Your name:
Your company name:
Your web site address:
Your email address:
Your phone number:
Your fax number:
Do you use Prosite by
What states you cover:
Zip codes you cover:
Other companies you
have done installs for:
How long have you been
in this line of business?
List what professional
certifications do you
How much verifiable
liability insurance do you
Do you have proof of
Do you have your own
truck or equipment?
How many installers do
you have on your team?
What is the minimum
you would accept for
performing our "Standard
TV Installation" service?
What is the minimum
you would accept for
performing our "Deluxe
TV Installation" service?
What is the minimum
you would accept for
performing our
"Premium TV
Installation" service?
What is the minimum
you would accept for
performing our
"Platinum TV
Installation" service?
What days are you
available to work?
Please list any other
services you can provide
and the associated cost
you would charge Dave's Home Theater to perform
those services.

                 Dave's Home Theater            

                                                                                    Installer Sign Up Form